
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realizationrelevance realization
relevance realization, outlined in @10.1093/logcom/exp067, is the core theory from vervaeke.

consider general problem solver. look at gradient descent. look at td learning.
, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on YouTube called awakening from the meaning crisis.

his interest started in the connection between buddhismbuddhism
buddhism is a religion and philosophy started by Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha. Buddhism has much to say about consciousness among other things.

vervaeke reads the first noble tru...
and Cognitive Science, especially in terms of mindfulnessmindfulness
vervaeke says mindfulness is a practice of public/attention to alter relevance realization.
. He associates this with increasing interest in wisdomwisdom
Wisdom, according to vervaeke, is the ability to find meaningness in Life. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness, and perhaps not ignorance.
, psychedelics, stoicstoic
a stoic practices stoicism, the hellenistic philosophy founded by zeno of citium (c. 335-252 bc) who studied with plato's successors at the academy in athens. zeno taught at the stoa, meani...
, and meaningnessmeaningness
meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stance that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are emp...
. He wants to provide the explanationexplanation
An explanation is an account of some information, typically in the form of an answer to why or how that information fits together. Explanations usually includes relations of Causality.

for this. He thinks there is a Meaning Crisis, associated with Environmental Crisis and Socio-Economic Crisis.

vervaeke thinks of himself as part of a tradition of zenzen
zen (a misprounciation of chan, itself a transliteration of dhyana for Sanskrit meditation) is a school of buddhism combined with taoism. zen is big on meditation.
neoplatonism is a school of thought reviving platonism.
. For that reason, key figures for him are socratessocrates
socrates was a philosopher from athens. he asked how should one live?
, platoplato
plato was a philosopher from athens, a disciple of socrates.

Following Sadler's advice.


As mentioned in deleuze's philosophical lineage, Deleuze says in difference and repetiti...
, buddhabuddha

, and the kyoto schoolkyoto school
the kyoto school was a school of philosophy that combined zen and heidegger, nietzsche, etc.
. But he is also deeply influenced by spinozaspinoza
baruch1 spinoza (1632-1677) was a philosopher who wrote tractatus theologico-politicus and ethica. because he didn't believe in the traditional religion of his time, he was cast out of amsterda...

he comes from a background in fundamentalist christian Private or Broken Links
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  1. socratessocrates
    socrates was a philosopher from athens. he asked how should one live?
  2. platoplato
    plato was a philosopher from athens, a disciple of socrates.

    Following Sadler's advice.


    As mentioned in deleuze's philosophical lineage, Deleuze says in difference and repetiti...
  3. aristotlearistotle
    aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.
  4. kantkant
    immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

    For Kant, there i...
  5. evolutionevolution
    evolution is a theory of biology established by charles darwin.
  6. consciousnessconsciousness

    free will

    The Politics of Consciousness
  7. hellenistic philosophyhellenistic philosophy
    hellenistic philosophy consists in reconstructions of socrates in stoic and epicureanism and aristotle.
    epicureanism is the hellenistic philosophy from epicurus. It is a rival school to stoic.
    , stoicstoic
    a stoic practices stoicism, the hellenistic philosophy founded by zeno of citium (c. 335-252 bc) who studied with plato's successors at the academy in athens. zeno taught at the stoa, meani...
  8. jesusjesus
    jesus was a human who is also the son of god in christian.
  9. christian Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  10. augustine Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  11. aquinasaquinas
    tommy d'aquino was a medieval philosopher and theologian of christian. he was influenced by aristotle.
  12. descartesdescartes
    descartes was a french philosopher and mathematician. he's not technically a part of skeptic but he has influences of its thought.
  13. hegelhegel

    die eule der minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden dämmerung ihren flug.

    georg wilhelm friedrich hegel (1770-1831) was a german philosopher. he was influenced by kant.

    unlike kant, h...
  14. symbolsymbol
    a symbol in semiotics participates in its own meaning. It is common in myth (Jung wrote a book on man and symbols)
  15. wisdomwisdom
    Wisdom, according to vervaeke, is the ability to find meaningness in Life. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness, and perhaps not ignorance.
  16. rationalityrationality
    The Twelve Virtues of Rationality:

    curiosity, relinquishment, lightness, evenness, argument, empiricism, simplicity, humility, perfectionism, precision, scholarship, and the void.

  17. intelligenceintelligence
    intelligence is related to rationality and wisdom somehow. maybe one definition is, "deducing new truths from old truths in pursuit of a goal" according to steven pinker and william j...
  18. heideggerheidegger
    martin heidegger (1889-1976) was a philosopher from germany who did work in phenomenology and being. his major work is sein und zeit. he began in a seminary, but then became a student of ...
  19. carl jungcarl jung
    carl jung was a psychologist. He grew up in christian. He developed a theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes, which relate to myth and personality. He started with freud...
  20. spinozaspinoza
    baruch1 spinoza (1632-1677) was a philosopher who wrote tractatus theologico-politicus and ethica. because he didn't believe in the traditional religion of his time, he was cast out of amsterda...
  21. transformative experiencetransformative experience
    transformative experience is a book and concept developed by philosopher l.a. paul. It asks the question, when you are presented with the opportunity to transform into x, where x is a state of ...

He is also interested in the kyoto schoolkyoto school
the kyoto school was a school of philosophy that combined zen and heidegger, nietzsche, etc.