
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian Private or Broken Links
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. he was inspired by humehume
david hume was a philosopher of skeptic who was interested in "Logics, Morals, Criticism, and Politics," their connection to human nature. He wanted to bring the approach of empiricism to t...
. he wrote critique of pure reasoncritique of pure reason
critique of pure reason is a book by kant. in it, kant introduces the analytic-synthetic distinction and the a priori-a posteriori distinction. deleuze describes it as tackling the ground o...
, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there is a realm of phenomena or apperances and then a noumenal realm behind it, beyond space and time. They are bridged by judgement and even aesthetic playplay
play is a difficult concept to get a grip on, and randolph feezell has a paper arguing for a pluralistic conception of play as

behavior or activity,
motive, attitude, or state of mind,

he asks how should one act?

his philosophy impinges on mathematicsmathematics
what mathematics studies is unclear.