amor ludi

amor ludi is a lovelove
oh baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
of the gamegame
a game is an institution for play. $G = (S, {P_i}{i=1}^{n}, {\Omega{P_i}}_{i=1}^{n})$
. it's a conceptconcept
In what is philosophy?, a concept is a creation (act of creativity) that testifies to the positive power of thinking as an event of life. philosophy creates concepts and puts th...
i'm trying to build out more in a metamodernmetamodern
metamodernism seeks to combine the modern with the postmodern.
way. the problemproblem

all life is problem solving. all organisms are inventors and technicians, good or not so good, successful or not so successful, in solving technical problems. This is how it is among animals - s...
is this: what does it mean to play for the love of the gamegame
a game is an institution for play. $G = (S, {P_i}{i=1}^{n}, {\Omega{P_i}}_{i=1}^{n})$

there's something to be learned from existentialismexistentialism
existentialism is a stance regarding the meaningness of the human condition as a response to nihilism from Jean-Paul sartre and others, coming from nietzsche, kierkegaard, [...
without making meaningnessmeaningness
meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stance that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are emp...
a pivotal question of life. some combination of investigating vervaekevervaeke
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...
's ideas and amor fatiamor fati
amor fati is latin for love of fate, an idea espoused in stoic philosophy from the likes epictetus and marcus aurelius as well as nietzsche and albert camus and deleuze.

is needed.


  • t.s. eliott.s. eliot

    dante and shakespeare divide the world between them. there is no third.

    thomas stearns eliot (1888-1965) was a writer of poems, plays, and literary critic. he was born in st. l...
    as the priest of high modernism. he brings with him dantedante
    dante was an italian poet from florence who wrote the poem divina commedia. he also wrote la vita nuova and de vulgari eloquentia and monarchia.
    and in turn virgilvirgil
    virgil was a roman poet who wrote aeneid. his influences include homer, lucretius, and callimachus.
    and ovidovid
    publius ovidius naso (43 BC - 17/18 ad) was a roman poet. his first work was amores, three books of love poems. his magnum opus is metamorphoses. He was exiled by Augustus. He was also clearly ...
  • deleuzedeleuze
    gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
    as a technical thinker of differencedifference
    thinkers of difference include hegel, heidegger, deleuze, and jacques derrida, the goal being to show that identity is conditioned by difference rather than the other way around.

    par excellance, representing post-structuralpost-structural
    post-structuralism was a movement responding to structuralism. for deleuze in particular, the question is where the structures of language, culture, meaning, and representation come from.
    and postmodernpostmodern
    postmodernism is a school of philosophy and art that comes after modernism.
    ism (?)
  • ecoeco
    umberto eco (5 january 1932) wrote about philosophy, semiotics, fascism. he was born in alessandria. he studied at the university of turin and wrote a thesis on aquinas. he was frie...
    for semiotics. brings with him borgesborges

    siempre imaginé que el paraíso sería algún tipo de biblioteca.

    it is enough for me to say that if I am rich in anything, it is in perplexities rather than in certainties. a colleague declar...
  • heideggerheidegger
    martin heidegger (1889-1976) was a philosopher from germany who did work in phenomenology and being. his major work is sein und zeit. he began in a seminary, but then became a student of ...
    . existentialismexistentialism
    existentialism is a stance regarding the meaningness of the human condition as a response to nihilism from Jean-Paul sartre and others, coming from nietzsche, kierkegaard, [...
    and ai critiques with hubert dreyfushubert dreyfus
    hubert dreyfus was a philosopher who worked on explications of heidegger, existentialism, and phenomenology, including an exposition of sein und zeit.

    He also critiqued AI and wrot...