
An explanation is an account of some informationinformation
information is meaningness in a signal. It could be a quality, a quantity, a relation, a modality. But it is certainly a rather abstract idea. the information revolution allowed us to quantify ...
, typically in the form of an answer to why or how that information fits together. Explanations usually includes relations of Causality.

@Wojtowicz_2020 gives us an account of explanations with bayes' theorem Private or Broken Links
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aristotelian theory

There are 4 causes which explain a thing according to aristotlearistotle
aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.

  1. Material cause. Because of what it is made of.
  2. Formal cause. Because of its form, arrangement, shape, or appearance.
  3. Efficient cause. Because of other agents which change it.
  4. Final cause. Because that's what it is or aims for.