
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...
talks about the stoicstoic
a stoic practices stoicism, the hellenistic philosophy founded by zeno of citium (c. 335-252 bc) who studied with plato's successors at the academy in athens. zeno taught at the stoa, meani...
view from above as a contemplation exercise. It's a form of playplay
play is a difficult concept to get a grip on, and randolph feezell has a paper arguing for a pluralistic conception of play as

behavior or activity,
motive, attitude, or state of mind,
, akin to a transformative experiencetransformative experience
transformative experience is a book and concept developed by philosopher l.a. paul. It asks the question, when you are presented with the opportunity to transform into x, where x is a state of ...
. It helps with authenticity, generates creativitycreativity
creativity is the ability to come up with interesting and effective solutions. in lifelong kindergarten, mitchel resnick, creator of the scratch language, points to 4 components needed for creativi...
, etc.