jordan peterson

jordan peterson (1962-) is a professor of psychology from canada.

peterson's mother is a librarian, and he studied in a great books program (source needed). A majority of Peterson's philosophy comes straight out of the literatureliterature
Literature is a type of art associated with Writing and language.
and Philosophy of the Western canon Private or Broken Links
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, which he recommends to people. For example, he often cites or talks about the biblebible
the bible is the religious book of christian written in hebrew and koine greek.
, which he has lectured on, in many of his discussions. His thought more generally is rooted in christian Private or Broken Links
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. He likes to use examples like paradise lostparadise lost
paradise lost is an epic poem in english by john milton. suffused in allusions to bible and christian's myth and thinking, the poem covers in 12 books,1 the story of satan's fal...
or dostoevskydostoevsky
fyodor dostoevsky was a russian writer. he was engaged with existentialism and christian.
. Naturally, the fact that he's so entrenched in this mode of thought draws him into problems in the criticism of literatureliterature
Literature is a type of art associated with Writing and language.

As a result, he attacks Relativism and Postmodernism (which he also associates with marxismmarxism
marxism is a school of philosophy, economics, and history as well as an ideology that develops from the thoughts of marx about capitalism. It contains a material dialectic a...
), especially michel foucaultmichel foucault
michel foucault was a philosopher who used the technique of genealogy. In technologies of the self, he says

My objective for more than twenty-five years has been to sketch out a history...
and jacques derridajacques derrida
jacques derrida (1930-2004) was an algerian-born philosopher in france who created deconstruction.

reading list

structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences (free play)

, whom he doesn't seem to have read.

In psychology, Peterson has studied alcohol abuse, personalitypersonality

Big 5.

, and mythmyth
myth is the visionary literature of the spirit, stories of a symbolic past, neither science nor metaphor. Some myths are etiological, serving as an explanation of some kind. The...
. His influces include freudfreud
oh boy
, carl jungcarl jung
carl jung was a psychologist. He grew up in christian. He developed a theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes, which relate to myth and personality. He started with freud...
, nietzschenietzsche
friedrich wilhelm nietzsche (1844-1900) was a philosopher from germany. in 1869, at the age of 24, he became a professor. his first book was The Birth of Tragedy, published in 1872, about greek tra...
. He talks about the oedipus complexoedipus complex
the oedipus complex comes from psychoanalysis of freud based on oedipus rex.
a lot.

One of the questions that drives Peterson is how ideologyideology
led to fascismfascism
fascism is an ideology. eco wrote an essay called ur-fascism.
(i.e. Nazism Private or Broken Links
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in Germany) and Communism in Russia.

He is also interested in responses to relativism, nihilismnihilism
nihilism is the view that nothing matters.

nihilism as an “ideology of nothing” would mean not that we adhere to a discernible system of beliefs about nothingness, but rather that the beliefs w...
, and existentialismexistentialism
existentialism is a stance regarding the meaningness of the human condition as a response to nihilism from Jean-Paul sartre and others, coming from nietzsche, kierkegaard, [...

Peterson's philosophy is roughly inside pragmatismpragmatism
pragmatism is an american school of philosophical thought led by William James and C.S. peirce that focuses on the practical difference that philosophy makes. It orients itself toward whatever ...
, phenomenologyphenomenology
Phenomenology (Greek for the study of appearances of things) is a discipline in philosophy that looks at consciousness as experienced. The key thinkers are Husserl, heidegger, Merleau-P...
, Individualism Private or Broken Links
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. Although he uses science Private or Broken Links
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(he likes arguments from evolutionevolution
evolution is a theory of biology established by charles darwin.
), he says we don't always act like it's true. We need narratives to guide us. He thinks everybody has godgod
definitions and proofs of god vary.

For aquinas, god is the uncaused causer, unmoved mover, etc.
For descartes, the guarantor that he sees the truth.
For spinoza, god is deus si...
as the top of their value of hierarchies.

Peterson believes capitalismcapitalism
capitalism is a type of economic organization that involves specialization and money.
is the only economic solution that works because the Pareto distribution is common in nature.

Peterson has engaged in dialogues with zizekzizek
zizek is a philosopher from yugoslavia who combines hegel and the psychoanalysis of lacan to talk about ideology and desire and film and marxism.


and vervaekevervaeke
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...

meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stance that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are emp...
, intelligenceintelligence
intelligence is related to rationality and wisdom somehow. maybe one definition is, "deducing new truths from old truths in pursuit of a goal" according to steven pinker and william j...