
meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stancestance
a stance is a pattern people use to think about meaningness. We care about stances because people are rarely strict followers of a system, philosophical or otherwise. The extremes are Eternalis...
that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are employing a metaphormetaphor

in the making of speech and language the spirit is continually "sparking" between matter and mind, as it were, playing with this wondrous nominative faculty. behind every abstract expression the...
between X and languagelanguage
language is a system and activity of speech or text to communicate information. generally, we think of it as a human activity.

steven pinker breaks down language in terms of a lang...
acts (this is an idea in vervaekevervaeke
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...
's work also). For example, a sentence has meaning insofar as it talks about something in a sensible, coherent fashion so that all the parts hang together logically.

meaningness is a phenomenon of emergenceemergence
emergence is when a self-organizing system displays more complex properties than its constituents. hence, emergentism is antithetical to reductionism, i.e. emergent phenomena are not easily red...
. One phoneme or syllable lacks meaning on its own just as an atom lacks meaning. Thus, meaning arises when the atoms are put together in sensible but interesting ways.

meaningness is multidimensional: purpose, personal value, ethics, sacredness, etc.

empirically, people rate meaningness when they have flowflow
flow is a peak state between boredom and anxiety. it is connected to meaningness and play.