carl jung

carl jung was a psychologist. He grew up in christian Private or Broken Links
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. He developed a theory of the collective unconscious and archetypes, which relate to mythmyth
myth is the visionary literature of the spirit, stories of a symbolic past, neither science nor metaphor. Some myths are etiological, serving as an explanation of some kind. The...
and personalitypersonality

Big 5.

. He started with freudfreud
oh boy

john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...
says Jung needs to be understood as kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...

Reading list

  • The Undiscovered Self