relevance realization

relevance realization, outlined in @10.1093/logcom/exp067, is the core theory from vervaekevervaeke
john vervaeke is a professor of cognitive science at the university of toronto. he has developed a theory called relevance realization, which is explained in his excellent lecture series on You...

consider general problem solvergeneral problem solver
general problem solver was developed by simon and newell. it used a digraph as the model of the world.
. look at gradient descentgradient descent
gradient descent is an algorithm for training a neural network by computing a gradient.

\[\Delta w_{ij} = -\eta\frac{\partial J(\cdot)}{\partial w_{ij}}\]

. look at td learningtd learning
td learning updates the value function

\[V(s) \leftarrow V(s) + \alpha(r + \gamma V(s') - V(s))\]