
platonism starts with the theory of platoplato
plato was a philosopher from athens, a disciple of socrates.

Following Sadler's advice.


As mentioned in deleuze's philosophical lineage, Deleuze says in difference and repetiti...
's forms. You ask the question what is X?

  • eidos - "visible form"
  • morphe - "shape"
  • phainomena - "appearances"

aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.

Aristotle wants to differentiate the genus into a species with differentiation. Plato doesn't do this, not because he's less developed, but actually because he's leaving a space open.


a project by deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
and nietzschenietzsche
friedrich wilhelm nietzsche (1844-1900) was a philosopher from germany. in 1869, at the age of 24, he became a professor. his first book was The Birth of Tragedy, published in 1872, about greek tra...

From Deleuze's Philosophical Lineage.

Deleuze wants to overthrow Plato. As michel foucaultmichel foucault
michel foucault was a philosopher who used the technique of genealogy. In technologies of the self, he says

My objective for more than twenty-five years has been to sketch out a history...
said, "Overturn Platonism: what philosophy has not tried?" Both hegelhegel

die eule der minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden dämmerung ihren flug.

georg wilhelm friedrich hegel (1770-1831) was a german philosopher. he was influenced by kant.

unlike kant, h...
and kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...
wanted to abolish the world of essences and the world of appearances. But this is trying to over-_come_, not over-_turn_.

Rather, in returning to Plato, we need to bypass Aristotle and overturn Platonism from the inside, as if a sophist. Overturning Platonism means producing simulacra, beginning with a simulacra of Platonism itself. Overturning "can only occur by virtue of denying the primacy of original over copy, of model over image; glorifying the reign of simulacra and reflections" (difference and repetitiondifference and repetition
différence et répétition (1968) is deleuze's magnum opus, which made him a philosopher of difference as becoming rather than opposition or negation. One could see it as a response to kant a...
). The overturning will conserve many Platonic characteristics. He introduced transcendence, but not completely, for he left a possibility of the insubordination of difference since the Idea belongs to a field of immanence. It has not yet calcified into the structure and powers of the One, the Analogous, the Similar, and the Negative.