
david hume was a philosopher of skeptic Private or Broken Links
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who was interested in "Logics, Morals, Criticism, and Politics," their connection to human nature. He wanted to bring the approach of empiricismempiricism
empiricism is the view that experience is the only source of knowledge. or, if you are deleuze, it's about how the human subject is constituted.
to these subjects.

He thought that our view of causationcausation
causation is the abstraction whereby a temporally antecedent cause drives a proceeding effect. The notion of time is therefore quite important here. Thinkers of causation include aristotl...
was just a habithabit
a habit is a technology an organism develops as a response from the environment to achieve some end.

in atomic habits, james clear argues that

progress depends on the system you're using.

Reading list

  • The Life of David Hume