
all art is quite useless. – wildewilde
Oscar Wilde was a poet, playwright, and novelist, trained in the classics.

the greeks spoke of art as mimesis, mimicking nature. The German idealists (kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...
and friedrich schillerfriedrich schiller
friedrich schiller (1759-1805) developed the idea of spieltrieb, or play drive, inspired by kant's views on play.

) saw art as a form of playplay
play is a difficult concept to get a grip on, and randolph feezell has a paper arguing for a pluralistic conception of play as

behavior or activity,
motive, attitude, or state of mind,

art is a humanhuman

activity, consisting in this, that one man consciously, by means of certain external signsign
Sign vs symbol in semiotics.

Ferdinand de Saussure

\[\text{Sign} = \text{Signifier} + \text{Signified}\]


\[\text{Sign} = \text{Representamen} + \text{Interpretant} + \text{Ob...
s, hands on to others feelings he has lived through, and that other people are infected by these feelings, and also experienceexperience
experience is related to consciousness.
them. – tolstoy Private or Broken Links
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what is philosophy?what is philosophy?
what is philosophy? is a book by deleuze and guattari.


What Is a Concept?

The Plane of Immanence

Conceptual Personae


Functives and Concepts

Prospects and C...
says art is a response to chaoschaos

before the seas and land had been created,
before the sky that covers everything,
nature displayed a single aspect only
throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name,
a shapeless, unwrought mass of ...
. for deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
, art produces sensations, affects, and intensities, but it also deals with problemproblem

all life is problem solving. all organisms are inventors and technicians, good or not so good, successful or not so successful, in solving technical problems. This is how it is among animals - s...