deleuze connections

Deleuze Connections is a book by John Rajchman about deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...


Connections require empiricismempiricism
empiricism is the view that experience is the only source of knowledge. or, if you are deleuze, it's about how the human subject is constituted.
and pragmatismpragmatism
pragmatism is an american school of philosophical thought led by William James and C.S. peirce that focuses on the practical difference that philosophy makes. It orients itself toward whatever ...
. Connections and assemblageassemblage
assemblage (agencement) is a concept from a thousand plateaus. They talk about machinic assemblages to get away from organisms or mechanisms, where the whole exists prior to the connections...
s are taken up by thought. Thinking is understood through the connections it opens.

  • The sense prior to code, to fixed subjective positions and relations.
  • A logic of converging and diverging series.
  • The grammar that wittgensteinwittgenstein
    ludwig wittgenstein (1889-1951) was a philosopher, one of the most influential of the 20th century. his work pertained to language among other things.

    wittgenstein was born to a wealthy vienes...
    associates with life.
  • An uncoded diagram replaces the schematism uniting sensation and cognition.
  • The agon of philosophy. The philoi fight against stupidity, a world without connections.
  • Stupidity is clichés which need to be broken out of by an alienation or cruelty. How to free affect from personal feeling? How to free percept from common perception? How to create a foreign language in our language?
  • Thinking is the problematization of doxa.
  • By the time of Cinema 2, Deleuze became interested in the communicational stupidity (the power of "control") from information-machines.
  • Society is always en fuite (leaking, fleeing). fuites = leaks, lines of flight.
  • Deleuze finds the concepts of a zone in which connections can be made in two places: Substance from spinozaspinoza
    baruch1 spinoza (1632-1677) was a philosopher who wrote tractatus theologico-politicus and ethica. because he didn't believe in the traditional religion of his time, he was cast out of amsterda...
    and Life from nietzschenietzsche
    friedrich wilhelm nietzsche (1844-1900) was a philosopher from germany. in 1869, at the age of 24, he became a professor. his first book was The Birth of Tragedy, published in 1872, about greek tra...
    . Spinoza gives him the plan of composition prior to a plan of organization or development. Nietzsche gives him an Earth in deterritorializationdeterritorialization
    deterritorialization is a concept from capitalism and schizophrenia.

    deterritorialization is defined as the movement or process by which something escapes or departs from a given territ...
    , prior to identities, given through a nomadic relation to borders or boundaries.
  • Keep only what increases connections.
  • Against oedipus rexoedipus rex
    oedipus rex or oedipus tyrannus is a greek tragedy about the eponymous king. it plays like a mystery story in which oedipus resolves to determine the crime that took place, only to realize he h...
    he puts hamlethamlet
    the tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark is an english tragedy by shakespeare. one of his longest and most complex plays, it has been an enduring staple of english literature and lite...
    . Instead of Antigone, Ariadne.
  • To connect is to affirm, to affirm is to connect.


david hume was a philosopher of skeptic who was interested in "Logics, Morals, Criticism, and Politics," their connection to human nature. He wanted to bring the approach of empiricism to t...
is the shift from Cartesian certainty to probability. kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...
will enact a reversal. Deleuze will recommend experimentation, starting with difference in bergsonbergson
henri bergson (1859-1941) was a french philosopher. he wants to distinguish objective understanding from interior experience. his most well-known books are introduction à la métaphysique, Creative ...
(essays from 1950s). So philosophy is not then a correction of errors but a turn to what is prior to the subjects and objects in experience or life. Hume says the self is not given but formed through an artifice or fiction of habit. The constructions in experience prior to subjects and objects is the plane of immanenceplane of immanence
the plane of immanence in the vocabulary of deleuze is the foundation or deterritorialization on which philosophy creates concepts.

Deleuze is a pluralist, a radical empiricist a la James. The key is that there's never an organic unity. He is against Schools and their methods (Nietzsche rejected his professorship, Spinoza too)

Not to interpret other's philosophy, but to use it. Not to give what one doesn't have, but to give what can only be stolen. To experience, to engage in experimentation.


The image of thought is a tacit presupposition of the creation of concepts and their relation of what is yet to come. It emerges in tandem with creation of concepts in a philosophy.

"Don't think, look!" – Wittgenstein

The dogmatic image of thought is seeing the Forms, arriving at clear and distinct ideas, or exposing interpretive contexts or relations to epochs. Concepts are fabricated.

Noology is the study of images of thought. The illusion is representation, the copy theory of truth. Mixed in with illusions about discourse, the eternal, the universal. Plato creates the Forms.

How to think without Urdoxa.

So philosophy has no set home. There's geophilosophy – and the theater of philosophy. Philosophy doesn't have origins, it has milieus or atmospheres.

Deterritorialized philosophical geographies.

Plato invents the persona of Socrates in the agon with Sophists. Kant is the Judge over bounds of reason. Leibniz is defense attorney for God in a world that abandoned him. Spinoza creates the Innocent. Philosophers and philosophies enlighten, emancipate, instruct, transport, transform, civilize, guard, or challenge the state.

An image is freed from dogmatism to the extent that it takes the "negative" (error, superstition, ideology) as stupidity to be exposed and attacked and not an error to be corrected or an ideology to overcome.

Philosophy occurs when something shakes up thinking. The problematization. To attack stupidity is to make new forces visible, formulate the problems they pose, incite a kind of experimental activity of thinking around them. The opposite of stupidity is not intelligence, but thinking or philosophy in itself.

Philosophy does not provide a platform for art or science.


Deleuze's logic is not the sentential calculus of truth. He wants a logic of multiplicity, a logic of sense.

Get away from the discursive illusion – that problems can be solved by deriving propositions from premises.

The category of sense replaces that of truth when true and false discribe the problem and not the propositions that respond to it.

Sense and the logic of difference is nondialectizable. A logic of working out the complications of thinking, the creation of concepts.

He looks to the Stoic understanding of sense and event. How to accept fate while refusing necessity. How not to be unworthy of what happens to us.

Analyzing Spinoza's logic of substance and its modes gives a logic of immanece and singularities for practical philosophy.

Bergson gives him difference and life (elan) and creative evolution for a logic of indetermination prior to organistic or purposive form. A pragmatism of perception, memory, and action.

Where is the illusion of transcendence? The abstract doesn't explain, it must itself be explained.

Multiplicity is not many, manifold, or variety. Haeccity is the singular, Substance is the plan of composition. Difference is not distinction, opposition, or contradiction.

Two things differ freely when they fall intogether in voisinage.

Logical connectives are not reducible to generalizations or specifications of categories (no intersections and unions of sets).

The implications of concepts are unfolded through connections rather than sets and functions, instantiations of Forms, attributes of predicates to a subject. Unfolded through converging and diverging series.

Deleuze wants to put together differences in open or complex wholes.

A singularity can be understood only through its repetition. A singularity enters into a series. A series continues, always starting in the middle,