
thinkers of difference include hegelhegel

die eule der minerva beginnt erst mit der einbrechenden dämmerung ihren flug.

georg wilhelm friedrich hegel (1770-1831) was a german philosopher. he was influenced by kant.

unlike kant, h...
, heideggerheidegger
martin heidegger (1889-1976) was a philosopher from germany who did work in phenomenology and being. his major work is sein und zeit. he began in a seminary, but then became a student of ...
, deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
, and jacques derridajacques derrida
jacques derrida (1930-2004) was an algerian-born philosopher in france who created deconstruction.

reading list

structure, sign, and play in the discourse of the human sciences (free play)

, the goal being to show that identity is conditioned by difference rather than the other way around.


hegel objected to what he called 'indifferent difference.' that difference which is simply an external relation between self-present beings. for hegel, difference was absolute and negative. there is no being or identity without difference.



heidegger's being is deleuze's difference.

for deleuze, difference is understood as part of the edge of chaoschaos

before the seas and land had been created,
before the sky that covers everything,
nature displayed a single aspect only
throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name,
a shapeless, unwrought mass of ...
of a systemsystem
a system is a set of objects connected in space or time.

for deleuze and guattari, systems always have vectors of deterritorialization.
. philosophy mediates between the stable and the deterritorializationdeterritorialization
deterritorialization is a concept from capitalism and schizophrenia.

deterritorialization is defined as the movement or process by which something escapes or departs from a given territ...
. too much stability – cliché. too much instability – nonsense.

the concept that does this work in a thousand plateausa thousand plateaus
mille plateaux is the second volume of capitalism and schizophrenia. the sep writes of it that

to over-simplify, deleuze and guattari take up the insights of dynamical systems t...
is the abstract machine of double articulation (first, consistency leading to second, unpredictability). identities, then, depend on abstract machines. it will also involve the BwOBwO
the body without organs (BwO) is a concept from logic of sense and anti-oedipus, first used by Antonin Artaud. It is a way of escaping the psychoanalysis of freud and lacan.
, eventevent
the event.

deleuze gave a lecture on the event in 1987, something which interested him back in difference and repetition and logic of sense. In Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts, James Will...
, rhizomerhizome
the rhizome is a concept developed in a thousand plateaus.
. jeffrey bell says this is in line with a kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...
ian critique of finding the limits of abstract machines.

when deleuze and guattariguattari
félix guattari (1930-1992) was a collaborator of deleuze, former disciple of lacan. for a while, he stayed with his grandmother, where he witnessed his step-grandfather's death, which gave ...
say godgod
definitions and proofs of god vary.

For aquinas, god is the uncaused causer, unmoved mover, etc.
For descartes, the guarantor that he sees the truth.
For spinoza, god is deus si...
is a lobster, they are saying he is both the abstract machine drawing chaos / BwOBwO
the body without organs (BwO) is a concept from logic of sense and anti-oedipus, first used by Antonin Artaud. It is a way of escaping the psychoanalysis of freud and lacan.
into consistency and also its own systems.

  • positive vs. negative difference


derrida's deconstruction, in which identity is always covering up its difference, prevents us from ever getting a grip on identity.