empiricism and subjectivity

empiricism and subjectivity: an essay on hume's theory of human nature, published in 1953, is deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
's diplôme d’études supérieures (roughly master's) on humehume
david hume was a philosopher of skeptic who was interested in "Logics, Morals, Criticism, and Politics," their connection to human nature. He wanted to bring the approach of empiricism to t...
's empiricismempiricism
empiricism is the view that experience is the only source of knowledge. or, if you are deleuze, it's about how the human subject is constituted.
. What follows are notes from Jon Roffe's The Works of Gilles Deleuze.

In the kantkant
immanuel kant (1724 - 1804) was a philosopher from prussia. he was christian. he was inspired by hume. he wrote critique of pure reason, Critique of Practical Reason.

For Kant, there i...
's reading of hume, one examines how knowledge is drawn from experience and realizes that it depends on causality (or lack thereof). Then, we realize that the solution is to consider human nature, and not nature in itself. The Kantian takes up Hume's problem of induction. Along this line of thinking, we look at beliefs rather than knowledge.

Deleuze disagrees.

The classical definition of empiricism proposed by the Kantian tradition is this: empiricism is the theory according to which knowledge not only begins with experience but is derived from it. But why would the empiricist say that? And as the result of which question?

Epistemology (the theory of knowledge) is not the important question. The important question regards social reality and the substitution of the psychology of mind with a psychology of the mind's affections. See, Deleuze wants to focus on the social reality of knowledge. Since the mind is not a constant or universal object (the impressions we have are a perpetual flux, which Deleuze calls imagination), we have to study the mind's affections. And so, the question is

  1. How does the mind become human nature?
  2. How does a collection become a system?
  3. How does the imagination become a faculty?
  4. How does the imagination become human nature?
  5. How is the subject constituted inside the given?

Deleuze's answer is that the mind is affected by the passional and social.


Deleuze describes william jameswilliam james
william james did work on pragmatism. He has been likened to nietzsche in a few respects.
's work as exemplifying Hume's thesis that relations are external to their terms.