t.s. eliot

dante was an italian poet from florence who wrote the poem divina commedia. he also wrote la vita nuova and de vulgari eloquentia and monarchia.
and shakespeareshakespeare
shakespeare was a poet and a playwright of both Comedy and tragedy. He wrote hamlet and the tempest. he was inspired by ovid, seneca, plutarch, and montaigne.
divide the world between them. there is no third.

thomas stearns eliot (1888-1965) was a writer of poempoem
a poem (greek for creation) is an object in literature which is by itself a speech act, but as writing.
s, plays, and literary critic Private or Broken Links
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. he was born in st. louis, missouri, spending summers in new england. his mother was very religious and wrote poetry as well. he took a classicsclassics
the classics are the study of greek and latin.
track in high school, becoming acquainted with greekgreek
greek is a language.
and latinlatin
latin is a language belonging to the proto-indo-european family.

at harvard, he joined a few associations and clubs. he was not a particularly good student at first, and he almost got expelled early on due to his low grades.

he interacted with bertrand russellbertrand russell
bertrand russell was a philosopher and mathematician who worked with alfred north whitehead. t.s. eliot was his student for a bit. he was an atheist.
, weiner Private or Broken Links
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and santayanasantayana
george santayana was a philosopher at harvard.

at some point, he moved to london and became an english citizen.

he was a francophile, interested in the work of bergsonbergson
henri bergson (1859-1941) was a french philosopher. he wants to distinguish objective understanding from interior experience. his most well-known books are introduction à la métaphysique, Creative ...

eliot belongs to the movement of modernmodern
modernity / modernist / modernism is an intellectual and artistic movement.

his critical essays include

  • "what Is a classicclassic
    a classic is a work of art (e.g. a book) that belongs to a canon. A classic is revealed by age, esteem, effect, and complexity.


  • "tradition and the individual talent"
  • "hamlet and his problems" about hamlethamlet
    the tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark is an english tragedy by shakespeare. one of his longest and most complex plays, it has been an enduring staple of english literature and lite...
  • a review of ulyssesulysses
    ulysses is a novel by joyce.

he also read about buddhismbuddhism
buddhism is a religion and philosophy started by Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha. Buddhism has much to say about consciousness among other things.

vervaeke reads the first noble tru...

shakespeare and the stoicism of seneca

in this essay, eliot wants to stop people from seeing seneca Private or Broken Links
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in shakespeare.

i propose a shakespeare under the influence of the stoicism of seneca. but i do not believe that shakespeare was under the influence of seneca… i wish mereley to disinfect the senecan shakespeare before he appears. my ambitions would be realized if i could prevent him, in so doing, from appearing at all.

eliot says shakespeare probably read seneca's tragedies but not his prose.