
In what is philosophy?what is philosophy?
what is philosophy? is a book by deleuze and guattari.


What Is a Concept?

The Plane of Immanence

Conceptual Personae


Functives and Concepts

Prospects and C...
, a concept is a creation (act of creativitycreativity
creativity is the ability to come up with interesting and effective solutions. in lifelong kindergarten, mitchel resnick, creator of the scratch language, points to 4 components needed for creativi...
) that testifies to the positive power of thinking as an eventevent
the event.

deleuze gave a lecture on the event in 1987, something which interested him back in difference and repetition and logic of sense. In Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts, James Will...
of lifelife
question: is life a game ?

answer: read @Geuss+2020+83+91 and @10.2307/2379687

deleuze says a transcendental field is

a pure stream of a-subjective consciousness, a pre-reflexive impe...
. philosophyphilosophy
philosophy happens when friends of wisdom create concepts (socrates; deleuze) discuss (rorty) how to direct their lives (seneca) and dispel misconceptions that hinder them (...
creates concepts and puts them to work. deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
(and guattariguattari
félix guattari (1930-1992) was a collaborator of deleuze, former disciple of lacan. for a while, he stayed with his grandmother, where he witnessed his step-grandfather's death, which gave ...
) think that the concept of forms in platonismplatonism
platonism starts with the theory of plato's forms. You ask the question what is X?

eidos - "visible form"
morphe - "shape"
phainomena - "appearances"


Aristotle wants to...
, for example, does not help us understand the richness of our own experience but merely creates abstract objects which are ordered, ranked, labeled.

Concepts should help us think of new possibilities, productive connections. A concept has to be particular to its circumstances. The concept helps us think about an experience by moving beyond it and thinking it anew. That's why concepts have to be creative and active. Deleuze, for example, says humehume
david hume was a philosopher of skeptic who was interested in "Logics, Morals, Criticism, and Politics," their connection to human nature. He wanted to bring the approach of empiricism to t...
's view of causationcausation
causation is the abstraction whereby a temporally antecedent cause drives a proceeding effect. The notion of time is therefore quite important here. Thinkers of causation include aristotl...
is a concept.