
umberto eco (5 january 1932) wrote about philosophyphilosophy
philosophy happens when friends of wisdom create concepts (socrates; deleuze) discuss (rorty) how to direct their lives (seneca) and dispel misconceptions that hinder them (...
, semioticssemiotics
Semiotics is the theory of the signs, like in language.
, fascismfascism
fascism is an ideology. eco wrote an essay called ur-fascism.
. he was born in alessandria. he studied at the university of turin and wrote a thesis on aquinasaquinas
tommy d'aquino was a medieval philosopher and theologian of christian. he was influenced by aristotle.
. he was friends with barthes Private or Broken Links
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. he was an atheist Private or Broken Links
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eco thinks translationtranslation
translation is taking a text from language x and putting into language y. the italians say traduttore, traditore (translator, traitor).
is not just about rendering a text from language A to language B, but in making also the culture of A accessible to the culture of B.