
all life is problem solving. all organisms are inventors and technicians, good or not so good, successful or not so successful, in solving technical problems. This is how it is among animals - spiders, for example. human technology solves human problems such as sewage disposal, or the storage and supply of food and water, as, for example, bees already have to do. – popperpopper
karl popper worked on the philosophy of science.

example: what makes einstein more scientific than freud?

In one of his essays, he proposes that all Life is problem-solvin...

the word problem comes from greekgreek
greek is a language.
meaning a thing thrown or put forward. it's an apt metaphormetaphor

in the making of speech and language the spirit is continually "sparking" between matter and mind, as it were, playing with this wondrous nominative faculty. behind every abstract expression the...
: problems are obstacles, something in the way. a response to a problem is a technologytechnology
technology is an organism's response to chaos sive natura in the form of a problem as a "low-resistance path to an end."1

in the question concerning technology, heidegger asks what...

the philosophical school of pragmatismpragmatism
pragmatism is an american school of philosophical thought led by William James and C.S. peirce that focuses on the practical difference that philosophy makes. It orients itself toward whatever ...
asks us to accept that we've got problems and to use thinking to resolve them, but it was deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
who developed a notion of the problem (v. "how do we recognize problems?" by audrey wasser) as singularitysingularity
singularity is something deleuze talks about.
, eventevent
the event.

deleuze gave a lecture on the event in 1987, something which interested him back in difference and repetition and logic of sense. In Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts, James Will...
, sensesense
sense is something deleuze discusses. in logic of sense, he writes

sense is thus expressed as the problem to which propositions correspond insofar as they indicate particular respon...
. claire colebrook writes

a multiplicitymultiplicity
multiplicity is a concept developed by deleuze and bergson. intensive vs. extensive multiplicity depends on intensive vs. extensive difference. An extensive multiplicity is a multip...
of highly different factors prompts the creation of a response. for deleuze a 'problem' is not a simple question that needs to find an answer; a problem is something that disrupts life and thinking, producing movements and responses. even molecular life proceeds by way of problems; all evolution and social-historical movement needs to be understood by way of the problem which is its motor.

recall that in what is philosophy?what is philosophy?
what is philosophy? is a book by deleuze and guattari.


What Is a Concept?

The Plane of Immanence

Conceptual Personae


Functives and Concepts

Prospects and C...
deleuze and guattari say that conceptconcept
In what is philosophy?, a concept is a creation (act of creativity) that testifies to the positive power of thinking as an event of life. philosophy creates concepts and puts th...
s are only created as a function of problems.

the formulation of the problem is important because

a solution always has the truth it deserves according to the problem to which it is a response.

thus, it is less important to deteremine whether the question or answer is true or false than it is to orient the problem.

first, then, a problem has to have some objective status. the problem is a literal paradoxparadox
paradox comes from Greek para (against) + doxa (opinion). For deleuze, it's the reversal of good sense and common sense.

le paradoxe est l'affirmation des deux sens a la fois – logic of s...
that disrupts our common sense, our worn-out stories. in addition, there is no transcendent way to judge a problem's truth or falsity. the problem shapes the thought itself so that the problem's truth or falsity must be judged instrinsically – a question of legitimate or illegitimate use. bergsonbergson
henri bergson (1859-1941) was a french philosopher. he wants to distinguish objective understanding from interior experience. his most well-known books are introduction à la métaphysique, Creative ...
points out that stating the problem is a creative act.

problems serve as laboratories for their solutions. they are signs of a form of life, of an ethos. a false problem expresses one's character.

dialectic, intuition, perspective, critiquecritique
critique is a philosophical methodology.
as discovery of false problems.