
interpretation is the act of making meaningnessmeaningness
meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stance that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are emp...
of any system that shows emergenceemergence
emergence is when a self-organizing system displays more complex properties than its constituents. hence, emergentism is antithetical to reductionism, i.e. emergent phenomena are not easily red...
. It is related to the concept of explanationexplanation
An explanation is an account of some information, typically in the form of an answer to why or how that information fits together. Explanations usually includes relations of Causality.


In Edward Tufte's Visual Explanations, he uses John Snow's visual analysis of the cholera outbreak from On the Mode of Communication of Cholera, which helped solve the cholera epidemic. On the other hand, the Challenger disaster showed how the displays need to tell a clear story.

There are right ways and wrong ways to show data; there are displays that reveal the truth and displays that do not. – Tufte

Here is what deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
had to say about interpretation of the bookbook

books may well be the only true magic. – alice hoffman

any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – arthur c. clarke

books are some of the most advanced techn...
as a signsign
Sign vs symbol in semiotics.

Ferdinand de Saussure

\[\text{Sign} = \text{Signifier} + \text{Signified}\]


\[\text{Sign} = \text{Representamen} + \text{Interpretant} + \text{Ob...

There are, you see, two ways of reading a book: you either see it as a box with something inside and start looking for what it signifies, and then if you're even more perverse or depraved you set off after signifiers. And you treat the next book like a box contained in the first or containing it. And you annotate and interpret and question, and write a book about the book, and so on and on. Or there's the other way: you see the book as a little non-signifying machine, and the only question is "Does it work, and how does it work?" How does it work for you? If it doesn't work, if nothing comes through, you try another book. This second way of reading's intensive: something comes through or it doesn't. There's nothing to explain, nothing to understand, nothing to interpret.

This is a stance close to pragmatismpragmatism
pragmatism is an american school of philosophical thought led by William James and C.S. peirce that focuses on the practical difference that philosophy makes. It orients itself toward whatever ...