
a stance is a pattern people use to think about meaningnessmeaningness
meaningness is a book describing the eponymous quality of having meaning as well as the study of this quality and a stance that acknowledges it.

when we talk about the meaning of X, we are emp...
. We care about stances because people are rarely strict followers of a system, philosophical or otherwise. The extremes are Eternalism, which says everything has meaning, and nihilismnihilism
nihilism is the view that nothing matters.

nihilism as an “ideology of nothing” would mean not that we adhere to a discernible system of beliefs about nothingness, but rather that the beliefs w...
, which says nothing has meaning.

nihilism is the view that nothing matters.

nihilism as an “ideology of nothing” would mean not that we adhere to a discernible system of beliefs about nothingness, but rather that the beliefs w...
says that nothing has meaning. eternalism says everything is loaded with meaning. both are wrong. is there some middle ground we can hit? there are confused stances in the middle, but meaningness tries to accept the ambiguity of meaning for what it is.

we can compare the two stances in a table or look at the series of stances that appear in an example.