
language is a systemsystem
a system is a set of objects connected in space or time.

for deleuze and guattari, systems always have vectors of deterritorialization.
and activity of speech or text to communicate informationinformation
information is meaningness in a signal. It could be a quality, a quantity, a relation, a modality. But it is certainly a rather abstract idea. the information revolution allowed us to quantify ...
. generally, we think of it as a humanhuman


steven pinkersteven pinker
steven pinker is a scientist at harvard who works on language. he also thinks of himself as part of the enlightenment tradition.
breaks down language in terms of a language of space (which can be extended with metaphormetaphor

in the making of speech and language the spirit is continually "sparking" between matter and mind, as it were, playing with this wondrous nominative faculty. behind every abstract expression the...
) as well as a language of timetime
time lays out a sequence of events.

The physicist, like newton, looks at time through the metaphor of Space.

The account of time in phenomenology is different from that of b...