
emergence is when a self-organizing systemsystem
a system is a set of objects connected in space or time.

for deleuze and guattari, systems always have vectors of deterritorialization.
displays more complex properties than its constituents. hence, emergentism is antithetical to reductionism, i.e. emergent phenomena are not easily reducible to their parts. this poses a difficulty for classical methods of science Private or Broken Links
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andrew assad and norman h. packard argue that emergence is a spectrum. We could imagine roughly sketching the axis like so.1

Category Meaning
Non-emergent Behavior is immediately deducible upon inspection of the specification or rules generating it.
Weakly emergent Behavior is deducible in hindsight from the specification after observing the behavior.
Strongly emergent Behavior is deducible in theory, but its elucidation is prohibitively difficult.
Maximally emergent Behavior is impossible to deduce from the specification.

What emerges is either: structure, computation, or functionality.

Example. The Miller-Urey experiment.

Reading list

Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science

[The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 21. Emergence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_PdLja-eGQ)
  1. Section 2 of ‘‘Emergent Colonization in an Artificial Ecology,’’ in F. Varela and P. Bourgine (eds.), Towards a Practice of Autonomous Systems: Proceedings of the First European Conference on Artifical Life, pp. 143–152, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1992