
before the seas and land had been created, before the sky that covers everything, nature displayed a single aspect only throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name, a shapeless, unwrought mass of inert bulk and nothing more, with the discordant seeds of disconnected elements all heaped together in anarchic disarray.

chaos is the primordial force of disorder which wears many masks:

uncertainty; variability; imperfect, incomplete knowledge; chance; chaoschaos

before the seas and land had been created,
before the sky that covers everything,
nature displayed a single aspect only
throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name,
a shapeless, unwrought mass of ...
; volatility; disorder; public/entropy Private or Broken Links
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; timetime
time lays out a sequence of events.

The physicist, like newton, looks at time through the metaphor of Space.

The account of time in phenomenology is different from that of b...
; the unknown; randomness; turmoil; stressor; error; dispersion of outcomes; unknowledge. – antifragileantifragile

i want to live happily in a world i don't understand.

antifragile is a book and concept by Nassim Taleb, about how systems deal with chaos and Black Swan. Broadly, there are three ...

For deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
and guattariguattari
félix guattari (1930-1992) was a collaborator of deleuze, former disciple of lacan. for a while, he stayed with his grandmother, where he witnessed his step-grandfather's death, which gave ...
, it's a little different.

Chaos is defined not so much by its disorder as by the infinite speed with which every form taking shape in it vanishes. It is a void that is not a nothingness but a virtual, containing all possible particles and drawing out all possible forms, which spring up only to disappear immediately, without consistenty or reference, without consequence. Chaos is an infinite speed of birth and disappearance. – what is philosophy?what is philosophy?
what is philosophy? is a book by deleuze and guattari.


What Is a Concept?

The Plane of Immanence

Conceptual Personae


Functives and Concepts

Prospects and C...

for the pair, science Private or Broken Links
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, philosophyphilosophy
philosophy happens when friends of wisdom create concepts (socrates; deleuze) discuss (rorty) how to direct their lives (seneca) and dispel misconceptions that hinder them (...
, and artart

all art is quite useless. – wilde

the greeks spoke of art as mimesis, mimicking nature. The German idealists (kant and friedrich schiller) saw art as a form of play.

art is...
are different responses to chaos.

Chaos is also a staple of literatureliterature
Literature is a type of art associated with Writing and language.
. It appears in metamorphosesmetamorphoses

omnia mutantur, nihil interit (15.165)

metamorphoses (Greek/Latin for transformations) is a lengthy narrative poem (is it an epic poem?) written in Latin by the Roman poet ovid. It cov...
and paradise lostparadise lost
paradise lost is an epic poem in english by john milton. suffused in allusions to bible and christian's myth and thinking, the poem covers in 12 books,1 the story of satan's fal...
explicitly and implicitly in the dark knightthe dark knight
The Dark Knight is a 2008 film directed by christopher nolan depicting Batman in a sequel to Batman Begins.

The antagonist of the film is the Joker, who sees himself as an agent of chaos...
, for example.