
technology is an organism's response to chaoschaos

before the seas and land had been created,
before the sky that covers everything,
nature displayed a single aspect only
throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name,
a shapeless, unwrought mass of ...
sive natura
in the form of a problemproblem

all life is problem solving. all organisms are inventors and technicians, good or not so good, successful or not so successful, in solving technical problems. This is how it is among animals - s...
as a "low-resistance path to an end."1

in the question concerning technologythe question concerning technology
die frage nach der technik is an essay in phenomenology by heidegger about technology.

heidegger starts by saying that the essence of technology is not something technological. The us...
, heideggerheidegger
martin heidegger (1889-1976) was a philosopher from germany who did work in phenomenology and being. his major work is sein und zeit. he began in a seminary, but then became a student of ...
asks what technology is. the starting answer is that it is a means to an end and a humanhuman

activity, because that's what positing ends and procuring and utilizing their means is. the core question is about instrumentality and within what do such things as means and ends belong. the answer is causality. heidegger will appeal to aristotle's theory of causation.

vladimir nabokov (1899 - 1977) was a writer of novels and poems. he grew up in russia speaking russian, french, and english. he went to cambridge.

play was an important part of...
agrees with heidegger here. Completing the prompt "the great tragedy of modern art," he responds that "an artist cannot look at an airplane and see anything but a plane."

tool vs. machine

a distinction brought up by deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
(see appendix to anti-oedipus Private or Broken Links
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reading list

  1. Huang, Saffron. "What is Technology?" Letters to a Young Technologist,