paradise lost

paradise lost is an epic poemepic poem
an epic poem is a narrative poem of great length about extraordinary or larger-than-life characters. ezra pound said it was a poem including history. In a preface to paradise lost, c.s. lew...
in english by john miltonjohn milton
john milton (1608-1674) was a writer of latin, english, and italian from England. He was given a education at cambridge, learning latin at an early age. He was deeply influenced by cl...
. suffused in allusions to biblebible
the bible is the religious book of christian written in hebrew and koine greek.
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's mythmyth
myth is the visionary literature of the spirit, stories of a symbolic past, neither science nor metaphor. Some myths are etiological, serving as an explanation of some kind. The...
and thinking, the poem covers in 12 books,1 the story of satan's fall from grace, his attempt at revenge by assuming the form of a serpent, and the temptation of adam and eve. paradise lost is milton's attempt to create a great epic poem in the english language and to "justify the ways of God to men". the poem is notable for its use of blank verse rather than rhyme.

  1. it was originally 10 books. the choice of 12 books recalls the aeneidaeneid
    the aeneid is a epic poem written by virgil in latin telling the founding myth of rome by the trojan prince aeneas. when the ploy of the trojan horse succeeds and the greeks set fir...