
omnia mutantur, nihil interit (15.165)

metamorphoses (Greek/Latin for transformations) is a lengthy narrative poem (is it an epic poemepic poem
an epic poem is a narrative poem of great length about extraordinary or larger-than-life characters. ezra pound said it was a poem including history. In a preface to paradise lost, c.s. lew...
?) written in Latin by the Roman poet ovidovid
publius ovidius naso (43 BC - 17/18 ad) was a roman poet. his first work was amores, three books of love poems. his magnum opus is metamorphoses. He was exiled by Augustus. He was also clearly ...
. It covers greek mythmyth
myth is the visionary literature of the spirit, stories of a symbolic past, neither science nor metaphor. Some myths are etiological, serving as an explanation of some kind. The...
, beginning with a creation myth. The thematic connection is change and chaoschaos

before the seas and land had been created,
before the sky that covers everything,
nature displayed a single aspect only
throughout the cosmos; chaos was its name,
a shapeless, unwrought mass of ...
. In the poem, the gods are just as fickle and shifty as humans.

I like Charles Martin's translation and the Latin text at Perseus.