
time lays out a sequence of eventevent
the event.

deleuze gave a lecture on the event in 1987, something which interested him back in difference and repetition and logic of sense. In Gilles Deleuze: Key Concepts, James Will...

The physicist, like newtonnewton
isaac newton was a mathematician and physicist. he developed calculus around the same time as leibniz. at cambridge, he read aristotle, descartes, galileo
, looks at time through the metaphormetaphor

in the making of speech and language the spirit is continually "sparking" between matter and mind, as it were, playing with this wondrous nominative faculty. behind every abstract expression the...
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The account of time in phenomenologyphenomenology
Phenomenology (Greek for the study of appearances of things) is a discipline in philosophy that looks at consciousness as experienced. The key thinkers are Husserl, heidegger, Merleau-P...
is different from that of bergsonbergson
henri bergson (1859-1941) was a french philosopher. he wants to distinguish objective understanding from interior experience. his most well-known books are introduction à la métaphysique, Creative ...
(by extension, deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...

one metaphormetaphor

in the making of speech and language the spirit is continually "sparking" between matter and mind, as it were, playing with this wondrous nominative faculty. behind every abstract expression the...
is that Time is Money.