
books may well be the only true magic. – alice hoffman

any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – arthur c. clarke

books are some of the most advanced technologytechnology
technology is an organism's response to chaos sive natura in the form of a problem as a "low-resistance path to an end."1

in the question concerning technology, heidegger asks what...
we have. it stands for four types of technology: object, content, idea, interface.

it is the recorded medium Private or Broken Links
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for thought through readingreading
reading is a technology of retrieving information from Writing through interpretation. nabokov says a good reader needs 4 things: imagination, memory, a dictionary, some art...
and writingwriting


in the book, amaranth borsuk says books first began as clay tablets with cuneiform (cuneis for wedge) writing in sumer because clay was readily available in mesopotamiamesopotamia
mesopotamia (greek for between rivers) was a region betwen the tigris and euphrates.
. over time, the sumerians evolved the technology by flattening the tablets, introducing a stylus, and moving from pictographic to syllabic writing, facilitating further abstractionabstraction
abstraction is thinking about a system in terms of interface – its inputs and outputs. an abstraction is said to be leaky if it requires the user to understand the internal mechanism to use it. thi...
. ashurbanipal had a collection of more than 30,000 tablets of documents relating to medicine, science, and mathematics as well as the epic of Gilgamesh.

egyptians, who made extensive use of cyperus papyrus, wrote with hieroglyphs. they had water-soluble charcoal black ink and red ink from oxidized iron. they had sheets around the size of office paper today, but they glued the sheets in rolls of twenty. they would write on one side, and it would curl up. this is the scroll as we know it. rubrication, the method of using red ink for annotations, became popular.