
a habit is a technologytechnology
technology is an organism's response to chaos sive natura in the form of a problem as a "low-resistance path to an end."1

in the question concerning technology, heidegger asks what...
an organism develops as a response from the environment to achieve some end.

in atomic habits, james clear argues that

  1. progress depends on the system you're using.
  2. progress isn't linear.
  3. outcomes are a lagging measure of our habits.
  4. habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.

identity emerges out of our habits, but we can also change our habits by changing our identity. we have to decide what person we want to be, and then prove it with small wins.

a habit is made up of four stages.

  1. cue
  2. craving
  3. response
  4. reward

to make a good habit, make it obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. to break a bad habit, make it invisible, unattractive, difficult, unsatisfying.

the first thing I did was make my habits scorecard.