
a canon (greekgreek
greek is a language.
for ruler or measuring stick) is a technologytechnology
technology is an organism's response to chaos sive natura in the form of a problem as a "low-resistance path to an end."1

in the question concerning technology, heidegger asks what...
that solves the problem of scoping the attention of a readingreading
reading is a technology of retrieving information from Writing through interpretation. nabokov says a good reader needs 4 things: imagination, memory, a dictionary, some art...
audience to a subset of edited, compiled, or anthologized works. In other words, the abstractionabstraction
abstraction is thinking about a system in terms of interface – its inputs and outputs. an abstraction is said to be leaky if it requires the user to understand the internal mechanism to use it. thi...
it creates is the simplification of a literary space through a selection of texts. Typically, a canon is made up of classicclassic
a classic is a work of art (e.g. a book) that belongs to a canon. A classic is revealed by age, esteem, effect, and complexity.



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, the biblebible
the bible is the religious book of christian written in hebrew and koine greek.
serves as a canon. In fact, bible just means book, presenting it as the singular book.