the fold

everything folds, unfolds, refolds

le pli: leibnitz et le baroque is a book by deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
. the goal of the book is to show the fold is a figure and form of almost infinite conceptual force in the baroque age. deleuze wants to focus on leibnizleibniz
leibniz was a philosopher who also did work in mathematics and physics. he worked on monads. His motto is calculemus (latin for let us calculate). he believed in the principle of sufficient...
whose monads he thinks falls under the baroque.

deleuze puts leibniz in conversation with descartesdescartes
descartes was a french philosopher and mathematician. he's not technically a part of skeptic but he has influences of its thought.

on leibnizleibniz
leibniz was a philosopher who also did work in mathematics and physics. he worked on monads. His motto is calculemus (latin for let us calculate). he believed in the principle of sufficient...
and baroque architecture, which he says functions by endlessly producing, twisting, turning folds on itself to infinity in two places:

  • Pleats of matter
  • Folds in the soul

There is a correspondence between the two labyrinths.

A multiplicity is not what has many parts. It is what is "complicated," or folded many times over and in many ways such that there is no completely unfolded state, but only further bifurcations, as in borgesborges

siempre imaginé que el paraíso sería algún tipo de biblioteca.

it is enough for me to say that if I am rich in anything, it is in perplexities rather than in certainties. a colleague declar...
' fable of the garden of ever-forking paths. – deleuze connectionsdeleuze connections
Deleuze Connections is a book by John Rajchman about deleuze.


Connections require empiricism and pragmatism. Connections and assemblages are taken up by thought. Think...