
assemblage (agencement) is a conceptconcept
In what is philosophy?, a concept is a creation (act of creativity) that testifies to the positive power of thinking as an event of life. philosophy creates concepts and puts th...
from a thousand plateausa thousand plateaus
mille plateaux is the second volume of capitalism and schizophrenia. the sep writes of it that

to over-simplify, deleuze and guattari take up the insights of dynamical systems t...
. They talk about machinic assemblages to get away from organisms or mechanisms, where the whole exists prior to the connections.

cf. deterritorializationdeterritorialization
deterritorialization is a concept from capitalism and schizophrenia.

deterritorialization is defined as the movement or process by which something escapes or departs from a given territ...
, desiredesire
desire is a topic touched on by freud, deleuze, zizek, and more.