
deterritorialization is a conceptconcept
In what is philosophy?, a concept is a creation (act of creativity) that testifies to the positive power of thinking as an event of life. philosophy creates concepts and puts th...
from capitalism and schizophreniacapitalism and schizophrenia
capitalisme et schizophrénie is a two-volume work by deleuze and guattari. it consists of anti-oedipus and a thousand plateaus.

deterritorialization is defined as the movement or process by which something escapes or departs from a given territory, where a territory can be a systemsystem
a system is a set of objects connected in space or time.

for deleuze and guattari, systems always have vectors of deterritorialization.
of any kind: conceptual, linguistic, social, or affective. – Paul Patton

in addition, deterritorialization is "inseperable from correlative reterritorializationreterritorialization
reterritorialization is when after deterritorialization, the elements recombine into a new assemblage or a modification of the old one.
s" (509). whether the deterritorialization is negative or positive depends on whether the line of flightline of flight
a line of flight in capitalism and schizophrenia's terminology is the possibility of a definition, territory, or body to transform into something else.
passes over reterritorializationreterritorialization
reterritorialization is when after deterritorialization, the elements recombine into a new assemblage or a modification of the old one.
or not.

there is a virtualvirtual
deleuze uses an actual-virtual distinction rather than real-possible. Deleuze thinks possible is a bad concept because it presupposes everything real is possible and can't explain why the p...
vs. actual distinction they invoke as well. absolute deterritorialization occurs in the virtual realm while relative deterritorialization occurs only in the actual.