metastasis and metastability

weiner Private or Broken Links
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himself somewhat poetically likens the human condition as being on a metaphorical island surrounded by entropy.

metastasis and metastability is a book that presents the possibility that deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
's differencedifference
thinkers of difference include hegel, heidegger, deleuze, and jacques derrida, the goal being to show that identity is conditioned by difference rather than the other way around.

is synonymous with informationinformation
information is meaningness in a signal. It could be a quality, a quantity, a relation, a modality. But it is certainly a rather abstract idea. the information revolution allowed us to quantify ...
and considers how it connects with cyberneticscybernetics
cybernetics comes from norbert weiner, who said its patron saint would be leibniz.

first, what is information? is it a quality, a quantity, a relation, or a modality?

any attempt of constructing a philosophy of information as a foundation upon which we can compare to a philosophy of the virtualvirtual
deleuze uses an actual-virtual distinction rather than real-possible. Deleuze thinks possible is a bad concept because it presupposes everything real is possible and can't explain why the p...
will be essential to the two subsequent steps: an ontological description of information in a meta-state, and a deleuzian approach to (and ostensible critique of) information theory Private or Broken Links
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when information is non-physical, it is treated like probabilityprobability
; after all, information is the measure of the probability of an event.

we start with fisher Private or Broken Links
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's account. fisher wants to know how a sample or experiment reduces uncertainty. then we go to weiner. he says

information is information, not matter or energy.

he opposes information to entropy. then there is shannon, who connects information to entropy Private or Broken Links
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and surprise Private or Broken Links
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. really, he needed a technical definition for communication. then there is krippendorff's definition

a measure of the amount of selective work a message enables its receiver to do

for him, entropy is

a measure of observational variety of actual (as opposed to logically possible) diversity