new criticism

new criticism is a school of literature that began with John Crowe Ransom's the new criticism (1941). The basic tenets are

  • The text is a formal, aesthetic object that stands on its own.
  • The right way to analyze a text is by close reading.
  • The close reading is a careful interpretation of the words used in a passage.
  • The author's intentions do not matter.
  • The reader's personal reaction does not matter.

It attempts to be like a formal science, but I think the focus on interpretationinterpretation
interpretation is the act of making meaningness of any system that shows emergence. It is related to the concept of explanation.

In Edward Tufte's Visual Explanations, he uses John Sno...
makes it a variant of lectio divinalectio divina
lectio divina (latin for divine reading) is a practice of reading that originated in christian. the steps are

