the waste land

the waste land is a poem by t.s. eliott.s. eliot

dante and shakespeare divide the world between them. there is no third.

thomas stearns eliot (1888-1965) was a writer of poems, plays, and literary critic. he was born in st. l...
, a possible act of mythopoesismythopoesis
mythopoesis is the fabrication of myth.

references include

  • aeneidaeneid
    the aeneid is a epic poem written by virgil in latin telling the founding myth of rome by the trojan prince aeneas. when the ploy of the trojan horse succeeds and the greeks set fir...
  • metamorphosesmetamorphoses

    omnia mutantur, nihil interit (15.165)

    metamorphoses (Greek/Latin for transformations) is a lengthy narrative poem (is it an epic poem?) written in Latin by the Roman poet ovid. It cov...
  • satyricon Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
  • infernoinferno
    inferno is the first canticle of the divina commedia.

    canto 1

    dante is lost in the woods. he meets virgil.

    canto 3

    entrance to hell.

    canto 4

    meet homer, horace, ovid, lu...
  • purgatoriopurgatorio
    purgatorio is the second canticle of the divina commedia following inferno.


    those in antepurgatory must wait.

    canto 1

    virgil and dante finish their journey through...