
the aeneid is a epic poemepic poem
an epic poem is a narrative poem of great length about extraordinary or larger-than-life characters. ezra pound said it was a poem including history. In a preface to paradise lost, c.s. lew...
written by virgilvirgil
virgil was a roman poet who wrote aeneid. his influences include homer, lucretius, and callimachus.
in latinlatin
latin is a language belonging to the proto-indo-european family.
telling the founding mythmyth
myth is the visionary literature of the spirit, stories of a symbolic past, neither science nor metaphor. Some myths are etiological, serving as an explanation of some kind. The...
of rome by the trojan prince aeneas. when the ploy of the trojan horse succeeds and the greeks set fire to the city, aeneas flees with his father anchises and son ascanius, also known as iulus. in the first half of the poem, aeneas and his crew find their way to italy, similar to the odysseyodyssey
the odyssey is a greek epic poem by homer.


Daniel Mendelsohn on the Odyssey

. In the second half, he prepares for war with the latins, similar to the iliadiliad
the iliad is a greek epic poem by homer. it predates the odyssey. it takes place over the course of a few months or so.

toward the end of the trojan war, agammemnon enrages achille...
. If the iliad is about the wrath of achilles and the odyssey the cunning of odysseus, the aeneid is about the piety of aeneas.

book 1

  • invocation to the muse
  • introduce juno as antagonist
  • juno asks aeolus to use the winds against aeneas
  • neptune calms the storm
  • forsan haec olim meminisse iuvabit

book 2

  • aeneas tells the story of troy's fall

book 4

  • dido speaks to anna
  • juno speaks to venus

book 6

  • descent into underworld