
inferno is the first canticle of the divina commediadivina commedia
la divina commedia is an epic poem written by dante in italian, chronicling his journey through inferno, purgatorio, and paradiso, each place taking up its own canticle of 3...

canto 1

dante is lost in the woods. he meets virgilvirgil
virgil was a roman poet who wrote aeneid. his influences include homer, lucretius, and callimachus.

canto 3

entrance to hell.

canto 4

meet homerhomer
omeros was the blind bard who authored iliad and odyssey.
, horace Private or Broken Links
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, ovidovid
publius ovidius naso (43 BC - 17/18 ad) was a roman poet. his first work was amores, three books of love poems. his magnum opus is metamorphoses. He was exiled by Augustus. He was also clearly ...
, lucanlucan
lucan was a roman writer. he was the nephew of seneca.

canto 5

virgil identifies dido, achilles, and paris.