john milton

john milton (1608-1674) was a writer of latinlatin
latin is a language belonging to the proto-indo-european family.
, englishenglish
english is a language influenced by french.
, and italianitalian
italian is a language close to latin.
from England. He was given a education at cambridge, learning latin at an early age. He was deeply influenced by classicsclassics
the classics are the study of greek and latin.
like shakespeareshakespeare
shakespeare was a poet and a playwright of both Comedy and tragedy. He wrote hamlet and the tempest. he was inspired by ovid, seneca, plutarch, and montaigne.
and ovidovid
publius ovidius naso (43 BC - 17/18 ad) was a roman poet. his first work was amores, three books of love poems. his magnum opus is metamorphoses. He was exiled by Augustus. He was also clearly ...
. His writings are deeply entrenched in christian Private or Broken Links
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In 1643, he wrote The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. In 1644, he wrote Areopagitica, which argued for freedom of press. In 1652, he went blind. He wrote paradise lostparadise lost
paradise lost is an epic poem in english by john milton. suffused in allusions to bible and christian's myth and thinking, the poem covers in 12 books,1 the story of satan's fal...
and paradise regainedparadise regained
Paradise Regained is a sequel to paradise lost written by john milton. It follows the encounters between jesus and satan.

TODO: There's an interesting jab at stoic in it.