nicomachean ethics

nicomachean ethics is a book by aristotlearistotle
aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.
written in greekgreek
greek is a language.
. he classed knowledge into epistemeepisteme
episteme is a greek word related to knowledge.

it is also a concept from michel foucault is the set of presuppositions in a discourse in a particular time. it is similar to a paradig...
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, and phronesis.

in 1140a, he writes

all artart

all art is quite useless. – wilde

the greeks spoke of art as mimesis, mimicking nature. The German idealists (kant and friedrich schiller) saw art as a form of play.

art is...
deals with bringing some thing into existence; and to pursue an art means to study how to bring into existence a thing which may either exist or not, and the efficient cause of which lies in the maker and not in the thing made; for art does not deal with things that exist or come into existence of necessity, or according to nature, since these have their efficient cause in themselves