the love song of j. alfred prufrock

the love song of j. alfred prufrock (with unadopted subtitle prufrock among the women) is a poempoem
a poem (greek for creation) is an object in literature which is by itself a speech act, but as writing.
by t.s. eliott.s. eliot

dante and shakespeare divide the world between them. there is no third.

thomas stearns eliot (1888-1965) was a writer of poems, plays, and literary critic. he was born in st. l...
written in 1911, published 1915. it was part of his first book "prufrock and other observations."

the epigraph comes from infernoinferno
inferno is the first canticle of the divina commedia.

canto 1

dante is lost in the woods. he meets virgil.

canto 3

entrance to hell.

canto 4

meet homer, horace, ovid, lu...
27, lines 61-66.

ezra poundezra pound
ezra pound worked with t.s. eliot to establish modern.
was impressed with it.