divina commedia

la divina commedia is an epic poemepic poem
an epic poem is a narrative poem of great length about extraordinary or larger-than-life characters. ezra pound said it was a poem including history. In a preface to paradise lost, c.s. lew...
written by dantedante
dante was an italian poet from florence who wrote the poem divina commedia. he also wrote la vita nuova and de vulgari eloquentia and monarchia.
in italianitalian
italian is a language close to latin.
, chronicling his journey through infernoinferno
inferno is the first canticle of the divina commedia.

canto 1

dante is lost in the woods. he meets virgil.

canto 3

entrance to hell.

canto 4

meet homer, horace, ovid, lu...
, purgatoriopurgatorio
purgatorio is the second canticle of the divina commedia following inferno.


those in antepurgatory must wait.

canto 1

virgil and dante finish their journey through...
, and paradisoparadiso
paradiso is the third canticle of divina commedia following purgatorio.
, each place taking up its own canticle of 33 cantos. the whole work is thoroughly influenced by de consolatione philosophiaede consolatione philosophiae
de consolatione philosophiae is a work of philosophy by boethius written in 523. It touches on stoic thought and plato and homer and free will, etc.
and aristotlearistotle
aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.