the postmodern condition

la condition postmoderne: rapport sur le savoir is a bookbook

books may well be the only true magic. – alice hoffman

any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – arthur c. clarke

books are some of the most advanced techn...
by lyotardlyotard
jean-francois lyotard was a french philosopher.
about postmodernpostmodern
postmodernism is a school of philosophy and art that comes after modernism.
ism and its connection to sprachspielsprachspiel
sprachspiel is a language-game, a concept developed by wittgenstein.


  • philosophyphilosophy
    philosophy happens when friends of wisdom create concepts (socrates; deleuze) discuss (rorty) how to direct their lives (seneca) and dispel misconceptions that hinder them (...
    is the discourse which legitimates science.
  • modern means a science that appeals to an explicit grand narrative (dialecticdialectic
    the dialectic is used by plato and hegel.
    of geist Private or Broken Links
    The page you're looking for is either not available or private!
    , hermeneutics of meaning, emancipation of rational or working subject, creation of wealth)
    • e.g. enlightenmentenlightenment
      the enlightenment was a progressive event of rationality and intelligence and Humanism in Europe driven by


      : if rational minds agree on a statement, it is true and the statement helps foster universal peace.
  • postmodernpostmodern
    postmodernism is a school of philosophy and art that comes after modernism.
    means incredulity toward grand narratives.

the narrative function is losing its functors, its great hero, its great dangers, its great voyages, its great goal. it is being dispersed in clouds of narrative language elements – narrativ, but also denotative, prescriptive, descriptive, and so on. conveyed within each cloud are pragmatic valences specific to its kind. each of us lives at the intersection of many of these. however, we do not necessarily establish stable language combinations, and the properties of the ones we do establish are not necessarily communicable.

thus the society of the future falls less within the province of a newtonian anthropology (such as structuralismstructuralism
structuralism was an intellectual movement led by thinkers like ferdinand de saussure.
or systems theory) than a pragmaticspragmatics
pragmatics is a field of linguistics that looks at cooperation in language (pragmatism).
of language particles. there are many different language games – a heterogeneity of elements. they only give rise to institutions in patches – local determinism.

in matters of social justice and of scientific truth alike, the legitimation of that power is based on optimizing the system's performance – efficiency. the application of this criterion to all of our games necessarily entails a certain level of terror, whether soft or hard: be operational (that is, commensurable) or disappear.

knowledge in computerized societies

knowledge changes when societies become postindustrial, cultures postmodern. lyotard takes as his focus technical subjects (linguistlinguist
a linguist studies language.
ics, cyberneticscybernetics
cybernetics comes from norbert weiner, who said its patron saint would be leibniz.
, algebra, information). two functions to note:

  1. research
  2. transmission of acquired learning

we think of information as fungible in some sense.

the old principle that the acquisition of knowledge is indissociable from the training (bildung) of minds, or even of individuals, is becoming obsolete and will become ever more so.