the tempest

the tempest is a play by shakespeareshakespeare
shakespeare was a poet and a playwright of both Comedy and tragedy. He wrote hamlet and the tempest. he was inspired by ovid, seneca, plutarch, and montaigne.

act 1

scene 1

nature equalizing the working-class crew and the noble passengers.

scene 2

prospero tells miranda the backstory. miranda feels bad for the passengers.

caliban laments that he ever helped prospero.

ariel becomes a nymph

act 2

scene 1

they contest how green the island is. gonzalo notes their clothes are still dry. antonio and sebastian have some sarcastic fun with him. it reminds him of claribel's marriage to king of tunis. then come references to aeneidaeneid
the aeneid is a epic poem written by virgil in latin telling the founding myth of rome by the trojan prince aeneas. when the ploy of the trojan horse succeeds and the greeks set fir...

gonzalo imagines how he would run the island.

scene 2

stephano sees caliban and trinculo wrapped up. caliban swears loyalty to the two.

act 3

scene 1

ferdinand is made to be a log-man but it's ok because it's all for miranda.

scene 2

caliban says prospero's power comes from his books.

scene 3

ariel appears as a harpy to threaten the traitors.

act 4

scene 1

the wedding scene with ceres, iris, and juno. prospero says "we are such stuff as dreams are made on."

act 5

scene 1

is ariel more human than prospero? gonzalo: everyone found themselves when they had initially been lost.

caliban inherits the cell.