logic of sense

logique du sens is a book by deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
published in 1969 consisting of 34 series (rather than chapters). Jon Roffe treats it three parts.

The Event in the World and in Language

Take the Third Battle of the Aisne.

When was it? Did it begin with the German army's assault and end in the evening that day, or did it start with the plan and never end for General Ludendorff, who continued to obsess over it afterward?

Where was it? At its focus, Chemin des Dames? Or in Sweden where Ludendorff fled? In the offices of the German National Army in Berlin? With us now, as we think about it?

Who was it for? The targeted French soldiers? The four divisions of British soldiers who also died? The German soldiers? Scholars? Tourists? If these are valid, then it was for a "someone" vague enough to capture the survivors and defeated, the victors and victims, those who lived it and those living now, etc.

Sure, we can determine how the battle was actualized. But the event is like "an immense black and neutral cloud, or a noisy crow that hovers over the combatants and separates or disperses them only in order to render them even more indistinct."

The question is

What do the Stoics mean when they contrast the thickness of bodies with these incorporeal events which would play only on the surface, like a mist over the prairie (even less than a mist, since a mist is after all a body)?

The answer is not clear.

Unraveling linguistics. How does a word convey sense or meaning?

  • Denotation is the relation of the proposition to an external state of affairs. (e.g. this, that, etc.)
  • Manifestation concerns the relation of the proposition to the person who speaks and expresses himself. (e.g. I, you, tomorrow, always, elsewhere, everywhere, etc.)
  • So we have the proposition, a speaker, and a set of affairs. But there's also signification, which has to do with implication of propositions. Logical demonstrations or material inference, keeping a promise, etc. (e.g. implies, therefore)

Which one is the fundamental? For parole, it is manifestation. For langue, it is signification.

The circle of the proposition. We need a 4th term: the expressed of the proposition.

Sense is the concept that Deleuze substitutes for correspondence. But sense is paradoxical. "Language and the world are not simply a tidy match but rather a complex event, an event that only later gets honed by the dogmatic image of thought into something smooth." In addition, the paradox points to the proposition in which it subsists and the world of which it is an attribute. Language and the world are not symmetrical. The asymmetry between language and world points toward something deeper than sense, nonsense.

He looks at the work of carrollcarroll
lewis carroll was a mathematician, logician, and writer from england. educated at oxford, he wrote the alice books, alice in wonderland and through the looking-glass.
in alice in wonderlandalice in wonderland
alice in wonderland is an english novel about play written by carroll.
and through the looking-glassthrough the looking-glass
through the looking-glass is an book by carroll and the sequel to alice in wonderland about games.

Humpty-Dumpty and conversation

. In an event like Alice growing bigger, there is actually a paradox. You could choose to see her getting bigger with one direction of time or getting smaller in the other. The direction of time is a choice, just as a battle is a win for one side and a loss for the other, depending on perspective. This paradox will demand an extension of language.

A linguistic claim or proposition has three dimensions which require a fourth.

If that were it, we'd still be in the dogmatic image of thought. Deleuze wants to talk about the sense of the proposition. The stoicstoic
a stoic practices stoicism, the hellenistic philosophy founded by zeno of citium (c. 335-252 bc) who studied with plato's successors at the academy in athens. zeno taught at the stoa, meani...
s discovered it along with the event. Sense is where language and the world meet. The boundary between propositions and things. The sense is the expressed of the proposition and the attribute of the state of affairs. When substance is expressed in its attributes and modes, it inheres in them.

The event subsists in language, but happens to things by means of verbs in the infinitive form.

Sense is the power of incorporeal transformation: whether I refer to the cut (actual) body as 'injured', 'scarred', or 'punished' will alter what it is in its incorporeal or virtual being. Sense is an event, producing new lines of becoming. – Claire Colebrook

To green, to be a stickup, is to orient bodies in certain ways, to create new lines of engagement among things, to cut a trajectory through the world, a trajectory in which both oneself and the world are affected. It is not a matter of representation but of an event that occurs both within and through language, at its point of intersection with the world. – Todd May

This goes back to Saussurean linguistics, in which language depends on difference. So being is difference and language is a system of differences. "To speak, then, is to bring two series of differences into contact: being and language." Nonsense like in carrollcarroll
lewis carroll was a mathematician, logician, and writer from england. educated at oxford, he wrote the alice books, alice in wonderland and through the looking-glass.
points to something essential about language. "It is only because there can be paradoxical elements that both bringing language and world together and keep them separate that there can be linguistic meaning at all." Sense is produced by nonsense; names are both signifying and signified. Deleuze says, "In short, sense is always an effect. Is it not an effect merely in the causal sense; it is also an effect in the sense of an 'optical effect' or a 'sound effect,' or, even better, a surface effect, a position effect, and a language effect." Sense is incorporeal, it is not inserted into the causal order of material things. To affirm language is to affirm becoming. It is to palpate that in language which is beyond representation.

Learning consists in abandoning bad habits, then conjugating our thoughts thoughts and our world, our thought and our language.

It's about the relation of events and series. An event runs through a series and is transformed by it. It doesn't have a clear start or end.

The ideal gamegame
a game is an institution for play. $G = (S, {P_i}{i=1}^{n}, {\Omega{P_i}}_{i=1}^{n})$
for Deleuze, drawing on Carroll and borgesborges

siempre imaginé que el paraíso sería algún tipo de biblioteca.

it is enough for me to say that if I am rich in anything, it is in perplexities rather than in certainties. a colleague declar...
and Mallarme is opposed to the known game in which (quoting from James Williams):

  1. There is a prior set of categorical rules
  2. The rules determine hypotheses diving chance into gains and losses
  3. The hypotheses organize the game into distinct plays operating a distribution, falling under different cases.
  4. The consequences of play are victory or loss.

But the ideal one has

  1. No prior rules, since each play invents and bends to its own rule.
  2. The set of plays affirms the whole of chance, branched out at each play, rather than dividing it into numerically distinct plays.
  3. Each play is a series as a distribution of singularities, but the set of plays is itself a play of all the singularities.
  4. Such a game is the reality of thought rather than any actual reality.

The book ends with an appendix on platoplato
plato was a philosopher from athens, a disciple of socrates.

Following Sadler's advice.


As mentioned in deleuze's philosophical lineage, Deleuze says in difference and repetiti...
and lucretiuslucretius
titus lucretius carus was a roman poet. he believed in epicureanism. he wrote de rerum natura
and simulacrumsimulacrum
plato's simulacrum is taken up by deleuze.
