may 68

may 68 was a political revolt in france by students.

claire colebrook writes about deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...

the political problem of may 1968 was whether there could be an active political theory, a way of defining power and revolution that did not rely on already given moral oppositions, such as the opposition between (evil) capitalismcapitalism
capitalism is a type of economic organization that involves specialization and money.
and (innocent) workers.

she also describes the usual account of the problem of may 68 for philosophyphilosophy
philosophy happens when friends of wisdom create concepts (socrates; deleuze) discuss (rorty) how to direct their lives (seneca) and dispel misconceptions that hinder them (...

  1. there were 2 dominant philosophies after ww2.
  2. existentialismexistentialism
    existentialism is a stance regarding the meaningness of the human condition as a response to nihilism from Jean-Paul sartre and others, coming from nietzsche, kierkegaard, [...
    as expounded by sartresartre

    Existence precedes essence. – Sartre

    jean-paul sartre (1905-80) was a philosopher from france who worked on existentialism. his work being and nothingness is seen as a brilliant misreading...
    said we are free to form ourselves.
  3. phenomenologyphenomenology
    Phenomenology (Greek for the study of appearances of things) is a discipline in philosophy that looks at consciousness as experienced. The key thinkers are Husserl, heidegger, Merleau-P...
    said the world depends on our own senses and meaning.
  4. thus, life seemed a creative, historical project compatible with marxismmarxism
    marxism is a school of philosophy, economics, and history as well as an ideology that develops from the thoughts of marx about capitalism. It contains a material dialectic a...
  5. so we'd have to recognize that we decide how economies are run.
  6. with 1968, there was an overturning of this humanist Private or Broken Links
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    . post-structuralpost-structural
    post-structuralism was a movement responding to structuralism. for deleuze in particular, the question is where the structures of language, culture, meaning, and representation come from.
    looked at non-rational thought, chance disruptions, non-identity, and a more radical sense of freedom.
  7. the virtualvirtual
    deleuze uses an actual-virtual distinction rather than real-possible. Deleuze thinks possible is a bad concept because it presupposes everything real is possible and can't explain why the p...
    (images, desires, concepts) became recognized as well.