
james joyce was an irish writer. he wrote a portrait of the artist as a young mana portrait of the artist as a young man
a portrait of the artist as a young man is a novel by joyce. the epigraph comes from metamorphoses.
ulysses is a novel by joyce.
. influenced by shakespeareshakespeare
shakespeare was a poet and a playwright of both Comedy and tragedy. He wrote hamlet and the tempest. he was inspired by ovid, seneca, plutarch, and montaigne.
, aristotlearistotle
aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.
, dantedante
dante was an italian poet from florence who wrote the poem divina commedia. he also wrote la vita nuova and de vulgari eloquentia and monarchia.
, homerhomer
omeros was the blind bard who authored iliad and odyssey.
, w.b. yeatsw.b. yeats
William Butlet Yeats was an Irish writer of poems. He liked mysticism. TODO
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, shelleyshelley
percy bysshe shelley was a writer of poems, a skeptic, and atheist. he liked his plato.