hannah arendt

hannah arendt (1906-1975) was an influential political philosopher. she had a background in the classicsclassics
the classics are the study of greek and latin.
. a jewish woman, she survived the holocaust. she studied under and had an affair with heideggerheidegger
martin heidegger (1889-1976) was a philosopher from germany who did work in phenomenology and being. his major work is sein und zeit. he began in a seminary, but then became a student of ...
. she wrote her dissertation on augustine Private or Broken Links
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and lovelove
oh baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
. she writes about marxmarx
karl marx was an economist and philosopher influenced by hegel.
. her influences include aristotlearistotle
aristotle was a disciple of plato who wrote on physics, biology, metaphysics, literature, logic, rhetoric, etc.
, etc.

Reading list

  • Between Past and Future
  • The Human Condition
  • The Life of the Mind