
foucault is deleuzedeleuze
gilles deleuze (18 january 1925 - 4 november 1995) was a french philosopher and, to me, the philosopher's philosopher and a sage. his work grapples with difference, creativity, though...
's book on michel foucaultmichel foucault
michel foucault was a philosopher who used the technique of genealogy. In technologies of the self, he says

My objective for more than twenty-five years has been to sketch out a history...


The foreword talks about an essay charles taylorcharles taylor
charles taylor was a philosopher. He wrote a secular age , which influenced all things shining and he worked with hubert dreyfus.
wrote on Foucault called "Foucault on Freedom and Truth" in which he rephrases some of Foucault's points to show that they are inconsistent.

A New Archivist (The Archaeology of KnowledgeThe Archaeology of Knowledge
L'archéologie du savoir (1969) is a book by michel foucault.

A New Cartographer (discipline and punishdiscipline and punish
Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison (1975) is a book by michel foucault.

Deleuze likens Foucault's analysis of a microphysics of power and political investment of the body to illustrations colored on a map. It was Foucault who invented the new conception of power. In the book, Foucault will correct some misconceptions.

  1. Power is not a property won by a class. It is not a privilege acquired or preserved, rather a strategy exercised through dispositions, maneuvers, tactics, techniques, functionings.
  2. Power is not located, first, in the machinery of the State. Instead, it is the overall effect of power, which runs through interacting wheels at different levels. Modern societies are disciplinarian but discipline has no institution because it's a type of power or technology that links institutions.
  3. Power is not embodied in the machinery of the State would be subordinate to both a mode of production and an infrastructure. Contrariwise, Foucault will assert that power acts from within on bodies and souls, so they presuppose the whole economy. Power is a social space.
  4. Power has no essence or attribute, qualifying the dominators as opposed to the dominated. Power is actually operational, a relation between forces.
  5. Power does not use violence or ideology e.g. reprimanding, tricking, persuading. It produces reality before it represses. It produces truth before it masks.
  6. State power does not expresses itself in law, the cessation of war, as opposed to illegality, defined by exclusion. Foucault replaces the opposition of law and illegality with illegalisms and laws. Law administers illegalisms.

In Discipline and Punish, we see prison as an environment with prisoners as content. Not signs but a form of expression.